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Configmgr 1710 Hotfix Rollup (KB4057517) is available


After the release of Configmgr Current branch version 1710 ,one of the primary issue was that ‘clients are not upgraded on systems that are running Windows Server 2008 SP2’ ,installation terminates with error code

‘Faulting application ccmsetup.exe, version 5.0.8577.1000, time stamp 0x5a03cc4c, faulting module KERNEL32.dll!K32EnumProcessModules’

So Microsoft released hotfix rollup update for Configmgr 1710 that resolves above issue along with many other issues listed in the support document https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057517.

This update is available for installation in the Updates and Servicing node of the Configuration Manager console. It also applies to customers that are running Configuration Manager version 1710, first wave.


To install ,right click on the update and choose install update pack,next ,choose  pre-production collection to validate the client package (on collection) before updating the production client package ,accept the terms and conditions


Click next


Go to monitoring node ,updates and servicing status ,click on hotfix rollup ,click show status


you can also monitor the status using the log file ConfigMgrSetup.log located in the root of windows drive (C:\)


Once the installation is finished, you will be promoted to install new console version


Site Version:5.0.8577.1000

Console Version:5.0.8577.1108

Client Version:5.0.8577.1108

Once the installation is done on the primary site, you must manually update the secondary sites (if you have any). To update a secondary site, click Administration, click Site Configuration, click Sites, click Recover Secondary Site, and then select the secondary site. The primary site then reinstalls that secondary site by using the updated files. Configurations and settings for the secondary site are not affected by this reinstallation.

To know if all the secondary sites are in sync with primary site update ,you can run the following SQL code on primary site .

select dbo.fnGetSecondarySiteCMUpdateStatus ('SS1')
SS1: Site of secondary site.
  • If a value of 1 is returned, the site is up-to-date and has all the hotfixes applied to its parent primary site.
  • If a value of 0 is returned, the site has not installed all the fixes that were applied to the primary site, and you should use the Recover Secondary Site option to update the secondary site.



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