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SCCM Configmgr Get the Update Compliance Status for multiple Update groups against Multiple collections using SQL query without reporting


Recently ,we had an issue with SCCM Configmgr Reporting services role (Remote SQL sitting on VM was crashed ,blog post coming soon ) and we were unable to generate reports mainly for the Software update compliance status that happens every month. This post is about ,how to check the software update compliance status for the deployed software update group/Groups per collection/collections without using Configmgr Reports . The reason for posting this blog is ,fixing the Configmgr Reporting services role took more than expected time and meantime ,we need to check the status of patch compliance status and troubleshoot the non-compliant machines (servers) within the Maintenance window.

I thought the SQL Code which I used to generate the compliance status would be handy for others if they do not want to Use configmgr Reports and use SQL Code for Quick results.

If you are unable to generate compliance status using the SSRS Reports ,the only possible method is ,to depend on Monitoring node—deployments ,look for the software update deployment for particular collection and see the non-compliant machines for troubleshooting which is not easy method if you have large number of deployments and collections.

So ,to overcome this ,you can USE SQL management studio and run the query (posted below) to generate non-compliance list of clients with extra information like hardware inventory,software update scan,,Operating System ,IP address,User Name ,does it have Client etc.

This SQL Query should be helpful to quickly generate compliance Status for multiple software update groups and for multiple collections.

I recently posted a blog about ,how to generate software update compliance Status for multiple update groups per collection but this SQL query helps to generate update compliance status for multiple updates groups against multiple collections.

you can use this SQL query to create nice SSRS Report for multiple update groups per multiple collections in OneClick.

The below SQL code is for list of clients with required/Missing Status ,If you want clients with Unknown ,change the @status value to 0 ,More about Update compliance Status ,see below :

Update compliance Status:

0—Detection Status Unknown

1—Not Applicable


3—Already Installed /Compliant



--SQL Code to Generate Update compliance Status for multiple update groups against multiple collections

Declare @Status nvarchar(255);set @Status='2';
--Status 0 for Unknown, 1 for Not Applicable,2 for Required ,3 for installed
select sys.name0 [Computer Name],sys.User_Name0 [User Name], os.caption0 [OS],
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), ws.lasthwscan, 100) as [LastHWScan],
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), uss.lastscantime, 100) AS 'LastSUScanTime',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), sys.last_logon_timestamp0, 100) AS 'Last Logon Time',
case when sys.client0='1' then 'Yes' else 'No'
end as 'Client (Yes/No)', c.IPAddress AS [IP Address]
From v_Update_ComplianceStatusAll UCS
left join v_r_system sys on ucs.resourceid=sys.resourceid
left join v_FullCollectionMembership fcm on sys.resourceid=fcm.resourceid
left join v_collection coll on coll.collectionid=fcm.collectionid
left join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM os on ucs.resourceid=os.resourceid
left join v_gs_workstation_status ws on ucs.resourceid=ws.resourceid
left join v_updatescanstatus uss on ucs.ResourceId=uss.ResourceID
left join v_AuthListInfo LI on ucs.ci_id=li.ci_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT     IP1.resourceid AS rsid2, IPAddress = substring
((SELECT     (IP_Addresses0 + ', ')
FROM    v_RA_System_IPAddresses IP2
WHERE     IP2.IP_Addresses0 NOT LIKE '169%' AND IP2.IP_Addresses0 NOT LIKE '0.%' AND IP2.IP_Addresses0 NOT LIKE '%::%' AND
IP_Addresses0 NOT LIKE '192.%' AND IP1.resourceid = IP2.resourceid
ORDER BY resourceid FOR xml path('')), 1, 50000)
FROM    v_RA_System_IPAddresses IP1
GROUP BY resourceid) c ON c.rsid2 = ucs.resourceid
where li.title IN (SUG1’,'SUG2’,SUG3’) and coll.collectionID in ('PS10029A','PS10000D')and ucs.status=@Status
group by sys.name0,sys.User_Name0,os.Caption0,ws.LastHWScan ,uss.LastScanTime,sys.Last_Logon_Timestamp0,sys.client0,c.IPAddress
order by 1

Hope it helps !

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